Unlocking the Vintage Vault for Dreamy Deals and Hidden Gems
If you’ve visited BrandNamePencils.com recently you may have noticed a handful of vintage pencils tagged with a small, yellow badge. Three different badges in fact!
So what’s this all about?

First, pencils marked with the Vintage Vault badge are exceedingly rare, and priced accordingly. Case in point: yesterday I listed one A.W. Faber Star No. 2 for $100 and it sold in less than an hour. When it comes to Vintage Vault pencils, one and only one will be available for sale at any given time. These highly desirable artifacts of history have been tucked away in my private collection for quite some time — in some cases for many years. Not any longer! I plan to reach into the Vault a few times per week.

Second, pencils marked with the Dream Deal badge are special pencils at a special price. Think of these pencils as being on sale, and then on sale again. Save a few bucks while supplies last!

Lastly, pencils marked with the Hidden Gem badge are buried deep in my online museum containing more than 6,700 rare and vintage brand name pencils. Several of these once-overlooked gems are scattered around BNP right now, and they deserve to be found! In most cases I have multiple copies available, however, I’m limiting them to one per customer in order to spread the pencil joy around. Good luck on your treasure hunt. 😉
As with my main inventory of 600+ pencils for sale, models tagged with badges will change often and without notice. You’ll want to check back frequently to see what’s new. Have fun!